I found this assignment hard at first as I'm not computer literate myself and had a few obstacles to get past to complete my blog but in the end I understood it more and learnt more about blogging. I think this assignment has really taught me how important computers are as we share information and use them everyday. By doing this assignment it has made me more interested in computers and learning more about computers for my own benefit and also to teach the children more in my centre about computers. Overall this was a good assignment and I learnt more about blogging.
My group members gave me great feedback about my reflections and what I did with the children. With the dishwasher reflection they said they loved how I extended on from the child's interest and made it a teachable moment and this was a great way to build the child's confidence and how I let him choose and experiment with the materials he chose. They also said it was great how I role modelled how to use the dishwasher to the child and how to respect this technology and be aware of the safety issues when using it. They also said it's a great way to teach the children how to clean up in the future.
In the reflection about the girls using the computer I also got great feedback about this from my group members. They said it was great how I supported and guided the children through the use of the computer and how I showed them to turn the computer on and off. They said it was great how I extended the girls skills by talking them through the steps of using the computer. My group members also said it was great how I gave the children the opportunity to explore and problem solve on their own and giving help when the child asked for help. I got some great feedback which is what I do if the child has trouble controlling the mouse, I place my hand over the child's hand to help guide them in moving the mouse around. I also got some feedback about how I could ask questions about the computer games to extend the children's skills.
The computer and camera reflection I also got great feedback in from my group members. They said it was great how I supported and extended on to the boy's interest and how the other teacher helped him to load the photo's on to the computer for him to look at. My group members also agree with me that exposing children to a wide range of technology is very important as long as their is a teacher around to give guidance and help. A suggestion I got given for this reflection was that I could put a lanyard on the camera so the children could wear the camera around their neck so there was less chance the camera would fall and break or get lost. My group members also believe like me that when children use camera's we see the world through their eyes and how they percieve it. They also said by letting the children use the camera the children are able to express themselves and feel a sense of accomplishment and ownership. Another suggestion I got was I could help the child load the photo's on the computer and help them write a story about their pictures they took and make it into a book. This is a great way to show the parents what they have been doing and gives them a feeling of confidence and accomplishment. Overall they said this was a great learning experience for the child and how I taught them the operational functions of the camera and how I helped the child recognise this technology is not a toy and that it needs to be treated with respect.
I enjoyed this assignment overall when I got through all my problems trying to set up my blog etc... The thing I enjoyed the most was teaching the children more about technology as this will benefit them hugely in later life. From here I want to learn more about blogging so I can feel more confident in using blogging. Overall it was a fun and exciting and knowledgeable process. I also learnt more about what others do in their centres to involve the children in technology and ways I could extend upon the children's technology skills in my centre. From here I will keep extending children's use of technology and learning but also my own.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Saturday, 24 September 2011
My Comments On Group Members Blogs
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Blog reflection 3: Technology: Using the Dishwasher
People, Places, Things & Events
Date: 06/09/11 Blog reflection 3: Technology: Using the Dishwasher
Teacher: Hayley
Child: C
Today I was cleaning up after Morning tea time. I cleaned up the dining room area and collected all the dishes from the dining room area and cleaned up the kitchen. When I was doing this a child came into the kitchen, he stood there observing me and what I was doing. I asked the child ” would you like to help me clean up some of the dishes”?. He didn’t say anything but he came over when I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher and I passed him some plates to put in the dishwasher. He enjoyed helping me with this. He also observed me putting the cups in the top rack. After all the dishes were put in the dishwasher. I then opened up the detergent holder and poured in the detergent powder. I showed him how to do this and then closed the detergent powder holder compartment. I then modelled to him how to turn the dishwasher on. He observed me setting it for what type of wash that was required, which was a heavy wash and then pressed the start button.
I found it interesting that C was so interested in observing me cleaning up and stacking the dishes in the dishwasher. I think it’s just as important that boy’s are interested at a young age in using technology to do with cleaning as this sets them up for life skills in the future. I think by modelling and scaffolding children’s learning in using technology to clean up at a young age is greatly important and they will feel more confident and competent as older children to help mum or dad out in the house. It will also be good for them to learn this stuff so they can then teach another younger less skilled child how to use these appliances to. When children learn about using dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines etc… they will feel good about themselves and it will help in other areas of them feeling confident in using wider technology when they reach school and high school eg: Laminators, printers, computers, camera’s, power point to present their work and projects etc… I think by letting children have opportunities to observe and help in everyday jobs to do with household appliances will also teach them to respect the use of these tools as well as teaching them about keeping safe when using them.
As Vygotsky believes by adults scaffolding children’s learning and offering guidance in certain areas of development we are able to support children to try out new ideas and this will lead them to greater understanding. By scaffolding to children this could be a range of things eg: providing cues and prompts verbally that will be helping children go through the steps of getting something done or accomplished ( Arthur, L., Beecher., ( 2008), p. 95 & 96).
When children are learning about using different materials of technology it helps them realise that different technologies can be used in many ways and different settings or places ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 95).
Children also learn to use a variety of technology that are meant for different purposes when exploring the world around them ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 98).
By letting children learn through their interaction with toy’s, materials, and equipment this helps children to explore, problem solve, experiment, interact and this leads to them constructing knowledge ( Gonzalez- Mena, (2008), p. 399).
And planning in early childhood settings (4th ed.).
CENGAGE Learning.
Gonzalez- Mena, J. (2008). Foundations of early childhood education:
Teaching children in a diverse society (4th ed.).
McGraw Hill.
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whaariki, he whaariki matauranga mo
nga mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum.
Pictures From Google Images
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Technology: Using a Computer
People, Places, Things & Events
Date: 12/09/11 Blog reflection 2: Technology: Using a computer
Teacher: Hayley
Child: K & C
Today two girls were working together on the computer. They were playing learning games. These games involved a jigsaw puzzle game where the children are learning computer skills about how to use a mouse. The game was where they had to click and move the parts of the puzzle to make the picture, and the letters for the word for the picture in the right order. They then decided to exit the game and play another learning game. This game was a memory game where the girls would click on a picture and then click another picture and if they matched they turned over. The computer the children use here have heaps of educational games they can use. Including spelling games, adding and subtraction games etc… As the girls were working on these games , they needed a bit of support as they are still getting use to using the mouse and how to move and control it. I guided them through it when they needed help and occasionally modelled to them how to use it. I also taught the girls how to turn the computer on. I noticed that the girls did quite well with occasional support.
I have learnt a lot by watching how quickly children can pick up how to use the computer and control the mouse. The girls are learning more about how to use the mouse of the computer and what the buttons on the mouse are there for and used for. The children are also learning how to exit and enter games and read these games in the menu part. The children are also learning how to turn the computer on and off when I demonstrated to them how to. They are also learning about turn taking, adding, subtracting, problem solving and spelling and other academic skills. As I watched the girls use the computer I have noticed they are getting more confident and competent all the time as they use the computer each day.
I think it’s great how educational games are provided to help children learn academically and also helps them learn how to use the computer. I believe it makes it fun for the children as I find the children are always playing on the computer and they enjoy playing the games on the computer and learning a lot while doing so.
When children use technology eg: computers, television, video, CD, DVD players or cameras they are discovering the world of animation and imagination, movement, music and stories that are made to be engaging and enriching for children. By children having access to use of technology and these types of games etc… they are learning very valuable technological skills (Fleer & Jane, 2004., cited in Talay- Ongan, A., & Ap, E.A. (Eds.).(2005)., p. 226).
Children learn that when they try things out , explore and are curious of how things work are important and valid ways of learning ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 84).
Children learn to actively explore and make sense of the world when they use their bodies and senses, and when they have the opportunity to use different tools equipment and materials that help extend their skills ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 86).
When the teacher supports the children through technological problems children learn to solve problems, but they also learn how to extend their vocabulary by having conversations with an adult and other peers. Children also learn how to report problems , evaluate and can learn to reflect on what happened when they were solving a technological problem ( MacNaughton, G., & Williams, G., 2009., p. 377).
MacNaughton, G.,& Williams, G. (2009). Techniques for teaching young children:
Choices in theory and practice (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forrest, NSW,
Pearson Prentice Hall.
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whaariki: He whaariki matauranga mo nga
Mokopuna o Aotearoa.
Talay- Ongan, A., &Ap, E. A (Eds.). (2005). Child development and teaching young
Children. Pictures From Google Images
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Technology: using a camera and computer
People, Places, Things and Events
Date: 01/09/11 Blog reflection 1: Technology: using a camera and computer
Teacher: Hayley
Child: S
Today I arrived at my centre and there was a boy using the teacher’s camera to take photo's of everyone and everything happening. He came up to me and asked me if he could take my photo. I said '' yes''. He told me to '' smile''. He then asked me if I could take a photo of him and I replied ''yes''. He asked me can I have a look at the photo's I’ve taken? I then got down to his level and showed him how we look through the photos that we have taken. He then continued to take photos of everyone and everything. He asked other teachers if he could take there photo to. After all of this the teacher came in and asked him shall we go and copy them to the computer for you to look at?. He then walked to the office with the teacher and copied them over.
I was very surprised to see this child so interested in taking photos and he took some really good photos. I never really agreed to leaving children with centre cameras as in the past camera's have ended up coming back broken or they end up getting lost. But from this observation I now have a different outlook on camera use to children. I saw this young boy learning a lot from using the camera and he took great care of it when he was using it. I think as early childhood teachers we need to let children explore with different technology and that it is important for them as different technology is always being thought of and used in early childhood centres. By letting children explore and giving them opportunities to do so it will influence their lives forever. I believe that letting children see their own photo’s is a great way of letting them feel good about themselves. When a teacher lets the child come and help copy the photo’s to the computer I think this shows the children they are capable young learners and gives them the feeling what they contribute is just as important as what adults contribute. I think children need to feel recognised and it is important they have opportunities to discover and explore all sorts of technology.
By letting children explore with a camera we are allowing children to learn about how a camera works and what the buttons do on the camera. We are also teaching them how we can copy the pictures over to a computer and view them on the computer and then we are teaching them what ever we do from there whether we are just copying them over to look at. Children learn how they can make the photo larger or smaller using the computer. They also can learn how we can copy and paste them to a word document eg: learning story, or another type of narrative with pictures that children or teachers have taken. Children also can then learn other computer based things eg: font word size, applying borders, etc…
By children having opportunities to explore different technology they discover to make sense of their world by actively exploring. The children learn about using all their senses, and different tools and equipment/ materials to extend on to skills ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 86). Children also learn to represent discoveries they make by using expressive and creative media and technology that associates with it ( Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 88).
As early childhood educators we need to be aware we understand the modern technologies and how they can help us meet physical, social and most importantly the learning needs and skills of young children. As I mentioned about cameras getting broken or lost I now take a new outlook on this and believe we shouldn’t deprive children of technology. ‘’ No myth should be allowed to cloud our vision or prevent our use of effective tools ( Tsantis,
This experience this child is learning about using a digital camera and combining the use with the camera with using computer based software. This allows the teacher to enhance the learning experience for the child. Children learn that a technical skill being digital photography is able to be transformed to learning by creation of a learning story that is very visual ( Ministry of Education, 2009., Kei tua o te pae assessment for learning:,. P. 11).
Ministry of Education. (2004). Kei tua o te pae assessment for learning: Early childhood
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whaariki: He whaariki matauranga mo nga mokopuna o
Aotearoa. Wellington: Learning Media.
Tsantis, L.A., Bewick, C. J., & Thouvenelle, S.(2003). Examining some common about
computer use in the early years. Young Children. Vol 58 (1), pp. 1-9.
Pictures From Google Images
Pictures From Google Images
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